Parenting Resources
All of these suggestions have been curated by Kari Larsen, Immanuel’s Director of Family & Children Ministries

There are so many different Bibles to choose from it can be overwhelming. Here is a quick list of some good Bibles for preschool-adult.
The Beginner’s Bible is great for preschoolers. This is a great option for families to read together after dinner or at bedtime. The easy-to-read text and colorful illustrations make it a good way to introduce children to the Bible.
The Action Bible is appealing to kids ages 8-11. Written in comic book style, this story Bible is great for those who still enjoy a story Bible but are ready for something for older kids.
The Faith Alive Student Bible is great Bible for 5th-12th grade students. The features of this Bible (such as the Who, What, When, Where and Why feature) help students as they begin to read God’s Word on their own. This is the Bible we use for school, Grade 3-8.
The Read and Share Bible is great for 1st and 2nd graders. This story Bible has simple re-telling of Bible stories which makes it easy for kids to read on their own.
The Growing In Faith Bible is not a story Bible and has the full biblical text. This is a great first Bible for kids in 2nd-5th grade. It has features (such as parent connections and character sketches) that are designed to help parents and children better understand God’s Word.
The Lutheran Study Bible is great for High School students - Adults. Grow deeper in your understanding of God’s Word with comprehensive notes. It comes different styles including hardback, leather bound, and even a compact version.

Websites & Apps
Here are just a few faith focused websites and apps to help support you as a Christian parent.
This site has several resources that give practical insights on parenting in the specific phase of life your children are in. Also check out the Parent Cue App.
Preschool (Birth to 5 years) Specific topics for parents whose children are birth-5yrs old.
Elementary Specific topics for parents whose children are elementary age.
Teen Specific topics for parents who have teenagers.
Reviews for what kids may be interested in (before they get into it). Trusted ratings created with families in mind.
Axis is an up-to-date resource for understanding current teen culture, with some paid content as well as regularly available free resources.
YouVersion Bible app – The number one app for reading the Bible. You can read almost any translation and download up to three translations for reading offline. Hundreds of Bible readings and devotional plans make this a great resource for individual, couple, and family devotions.
The Bible App for Kids is fun! Engage with Bible stories and complete interactive activities designed to help your kids grow in their love for Jesus.

If you are looking for a good parenting book check these out. Just remember, each household and child are wonderfully unique… results may vary.
Parenting with Love and Logic is designed for preschool and beyond, this helpful and practical psychology-based parenting method is an invaluable guide for all parents! Teach your children healthy responsibility and encourage their character growth from a young age. Learn to establish healthy boundaries with your children through easy-to-implement steps without anger, threats, nagging, or power struggles.
Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline focuses on the fac that parents love their children, but don't always love their behavior. But how can you guide them without resorting to less-than-optimal behavior yourself? Focusing on self-control and confidence-building for both parent and child, Dr. Bailey teaches a series of linked skills to help families move from turmoil to tranquility.
Sticky Faith is a very practical, research-based book that is all about everyday ideas to build lasting faith in your kids, written by Dr. Kara Powell and Dr. Chap Clark.
Questions? Contact Kari Larsen, Director of Children & Family Ministries