Why Immanuel?
At Immanuel, we take seriously the calling to "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran School, home of the Eagles. Immanuel is a co-educational, private, Christian school serving almost 250 students in Preschool through 8th Grade who live in Batavia, Geneva, St. Charles, North Aurora, Aurora, Elburn and other surrounding communities.
You might wonder what a Lutheran Education means for your family?
Using the gifts God has given each of us to continually exceed local, state & national academic norms, while also meeting students where they are to help each one individually flourish
Daily prayer & weekly chapel service (twice-monthly chapel for Preschool)
The foundational knowledge of Biblical stories & Christ who loves us
The love of Christian teachers and staff poured into our students
But there’s so much more that goes along with all of that!
Songs, movement, & play in Preschool enhance the academic aspects.
Elementary & Middle School Fine Arts programs such as music/choir, band, orchestra, piano, & musical theater, along with competitive Athletic programs and Academic clubs & societies, provide additional development opportunities on top of stellar academic curricula.
From Preschool through 8th Grade, an education at Immanuel can help children grow confidently into whom God made them to be.
Immanuel is recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education and nationally accredited by National Lutheran School Accreditation.
To learn more, please complete the Inquiry Form below. Additionally, tours can be scheduled at your convenience where you can see first-hand so much of what Immanuel has to offer children and their families.
Immanuel Lutheran School welcomes children of all races, creeds, national and ethnic origins, and socioeconomic backgrounds.